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Online Learning Challenges & Solutions For students

Online Learning Challenges & Solutions: For Students

Online learning provides several benefits to students who are looking for flexibility while attending college. In addition, COVID-19 has altered the educational discourse dramatically as students can now access their courses and texts online at their convenience, thereby allowing them to study according to their schedule. The ease of access to the Internet has led to an increase in demand for online learning worldwide. 

It is not surprising that online learning has been gaining lots of attention. Despite the advantages, many of them experience some challenges, including issues with accessing comprehensive learning experiences and getting instant answers to questions. The benefits are being borderline suppressed by the challenges that arise during the process of learning. This article provides some of the challenges faced by students along with suggestions for how to overcome these challenges.

Online Learning Challenges Faced by Students

Listed below are the challenges faced by students during online learning and solutions to those challenges: 

  • Adaptability Issues in Online Learning

After a traditional classroom learning environment, some students find it challenging to adjust to the online learning environment. When students have studied in a classroom their entire lives, they find it difficult to focus on the online learning platform all at once. However, students must keep an open mind by accepting the new learning environment.

How to overcome the challenge?

With adaptive learning, content is individually-tailored based on individual needs using artificial intelligence. In order to improve the learning outcomes, personalized courses can help as they can identify their weaknesses and strengths.

  • Distraction Issues in Online Learning

Online learning can be a very rewarding experience. The environment may appear to be similar to that of a school. Nevertheless, at home, the situation is different. For example, you might want an open classroom, parks, playgrounds, canteens, friends, and teachers to mentor and guide you. On the other hand, online education requires that you manage everything in one location with your parents nearby. These factors make it easier for you to become distracted by household matters. 

How to overcome the challenge?

Informing your parents and friends about your online learning time will prevent you from being distracted. When attending live sessions and video calls, you need to restrict access to the study area. Be sure to take breaks as designated on your schedule. By doing so, you will spend more time with your friends and family while also concentrating on learning.

  • Continuous Feedback

Students expect both positive and negative feedback. The feedback students receive from instructors allows them to improve their performance. Does your institution solely rely on summative assessments? Do your students lack motivation or discipline? Perhaps the issue lies in a lack of continuous feedback. Providing feedback becomes even more valuable online, where there is an abundance of information but no filter to streamline it.

How to overcome the challenge? 

To improve the circulation of criticisms and advice, developing and designing a continuous feedback model is necessary. Teachers can record and present feedback online through a variety of channels, including videoconferencing, spreadsheets, emails, and slide packs.

  • Technical Issues in Online Learning

Most students often lack high-speed internet connections that are necessary for online learning. Hence, they run into problems when they try to use virtual learning and other platforms that require an internet connection. Technical difficulties arise in online classes because students don’t know much about technology and computer applications. When your internet connection is slow and high, it can negatively affect your ability to watch the class and avoid missing live sessions. A lack of connectivity may result in difficulty in downloading certain information related to the subject, blurry videos, etc. 

How to overcome the challenge? 

In order to resolve the internet connection problem in your online class, you simply need to find a high-speed internet connection at your home. Find out how you can get technical support for your connection and other software and learning tools issues.

  • Time Management

Comparing in-person lecture time with online instruction would be like comparing apples and oranges. In-person classes take longer than online classes. Would you consider using the old online schedule? Do you lack the time commitment required for online learning? Does your faculty struggle to achieve the intended learning outcomes? To engage students and course material in a different way, teachers need to put in more effort and time. 

How to overcome the challenge? 

Check with your teachers to ensure they have the time for such an endeavor. This includes direct one-on-one contact, mentoring, segmenting large courses, and providing feedback. In fact, students should be urged to become more autodidactic (self-taught) and impose self-discipline.

  • Computer Knowledge Challenge in Online Learning

Today, there is a major concern about the lack of computer education. Some students still do not know how to operate a computer with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. As a result, it is difficult to resolve technical issues when they arise. In addition, they have difficulty navigating live classes, using appropriate icons, MS office, communication-related apps and websites, and browsing study materials. 

How to overcome the challenge?

Students should be provided with tools for resolving technical problems via phone, email, or live chat. Besides, they need to be attentive to their instructor as they work through the problem.

  • Different Learning Styles

There is no proximity in online classes. It is not necessary for teachers to spend seven to eight hours with the student every day. How can they then determine which student needs an extra push? Can teachers verify that all the students know what they need to do? Unless students have this assurance, they risk dropping out, losing motivation, and learning less.


The guidelines are monitoring student performance and activity and one-on-one communication with students. Training and counselling of teachers are also recommended. For students, personalized innovation based on AI can be helpful.

In an age where education is increasingly online, many educators are asked to conduct their lessons from home. A variety of challenges associated with online learning can be grouped into three categories – basic, intermediate, and advanced. Most importantly, overcoming those challenges raises your maturity level in online learning. Learning how to become more adept at online learning can take years, or even decades. At present, only a few institutions are well-equipped for online learning. However, many other institutions are adopting online learning, with numerous colleges and universities introducing it alongside their regular classes.

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