Best Practices for E-Learning Localization
A good e-learning course reaches out to the learners throughout the world. Localization helps achieve this goal by making the e-learning course available in different languages for different regions. Also, localizing an e-learning course demands equal efforts as developing it does. As mentioned in our previous blog, translation and localization are two different yet related features. […]
E-Learning Localization
Localization is a way of connecting with consumers by adopting their language and culture. As stated in our blog Localization: An Introduction, it is a part of larger processes of the global market, termed as globalization and internationalization. These processes are not only applied to trade, but to education as well. The emerging e-learning methods […]
Localization: An Introduction
Contemporary learning has evolved through years of experimenting with different learning methods. These methods range from the old traditional classroom teaching to the contemporary e-learning method. (Refer to our blog Online Learning vs Traditional Learning: An Introduction for a detailed comparison). Although many factors contribute to make e-learning an effective learning approach, Localization is one […]
Micro-Learning: Effectiveness and Best Practices
Information is to the brain what food is to the body. Bite-sized portions of food are easy to chew and digest. Similarly, bite-sized information is easy to process and retain, and Micro-Learning operates on this same strategy. We gave an insight into micro-learning, its advantages, and disadvantages in our previous blog on What is Micro-Learning? […]
Micro Learning: An Introduction
Every time we come across some information, our brain retains some parts of it in the form of memory. Both the short and long-term memories have an important role to play in the learning process. Also, a huge fraction of information storage takes place in the subconscious mind. It registers information in pieces and fosters […]
Online Learning over Traditional Learning
‘Online learning or traditional learning’ is an ever-growing conflict among educationists. While some prefer traditional learning in the brick-mortar vicinity, others vouch for the new day’s online learning. Weighing the pros and cons of both mediums is important to understand which one is a better way of imparting knowledge in today’s fast-pacing world. As discussed […]
Online Learning Vs Traditional Learning
Online and traditional learning are two modes of learning that are often weighed against each other. Learning through the medium of the internet without the proper assistance of a teacher in real-time is known as online learning. Traditional learning refers to imparting education in institutions with teachers and students interacting in real-time. Learning has become […]
Avoiding Plagiarism Related Issues
The Internet places the whole world at our fingertips. We can be miles apart and yet connected with the help of social media. The Internet has spread its roots so deep, that we cannot go through even a single day without it. As global citizens, a high percentage of the human population completely depends on […]
Why and How of Online Tutoring?
Online tutoring refers to the technique of delivering lessons via the internet. It is widely preferred by students as well as parents as learning through an online class is much more convenient than having to travel to attend a class, carrying along all the required material. Online tutoring serves as the best mode of learning […]
Effectiveness of Online Tuition For Students
Online tutoring, though substantially developed a little while ago, is an emerging teaching-learning approach that uses technology to eliminate the constraints of time and space for the participants. As most online mediums of tutoring do not involve real-time interaction between the teachers and the students, it is important to employ effective teaching strategies to bridge […]