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Video Learning Styles: An Introduction

Video Learning Styles

Video-based learning is a widely acknowledged method of education due to the various benefits it offers. Using videos for teaching and learning is more interesting than reading, the reason being that videos provide a bigger picture of concepts and ease their understanding. Moreover, the use of virtual reality videos helps bring the world into the classroom. […]

Effective E-learning Tools: Determinants and Options

E-Learning tools

eLearning, also known as the modern way of learning, refers to imparting education via electronic media that goes beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. Since most of the modes of eLearning involve little to no teacher interference, the lessons or courses need to be self-sufficient in all aspects. Authoring tools are basic frameworks […]

Creating Video-Based Educational Courses

Create Video-Based Courses

Video-based learning is acquiring an understanding of a concept by the means of a video lesson accessible through electronic media. It is a paradigm shift in education from conventional in-class learning to a captivating form of learning. The current education standards emphasize practical knowledge and skills with theory, for which the conventional learning methods prove […]

Benefits of Video Based Learning

Benefits of Video Based Learning

Our blog on Video-Based Learning gives insights into the concept of including videos in eLearning. This is an interactive approach, unlike the mundane ‘click-next’ form of e-learning. Although the term ‘video-based learning’ seems new, videos have been in use in eLearning for a long time now. They not only modify the ways of learning but also provide […]

Video-Based Learning: Definition, Emerging Trends, and Usage

Video-Based Learning

Video-based learning means acquiring an understanding of a concept by the means of a video lesson accessible through electronic media. It is being widely used in the e-learning industry as it makes learning more interactive and attractive simultaneously. Video-based learning is by far the best result of the intertwining of technology and teaching methodologies. A […]

Creating an E-Learning Course as per Learner-Needs

E-Learning Steps

eLearning, also known as the modern way of learning, refers to imparting education via electronic media that goes beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. eLearning courses may be diverse as per the needs of the learners taking the courses but follow a generic framework throughout. Developing these courses is influenced by various factors […]

E-Learning Resources for College Students

E-Learning Resources

The burgeoning online learning trend gives way to endless learning opportunities. Anyone from school, university, or even the working professionals can learn with the help of various e-learning courses available on the Internet. All it requires is the knowledge of certain eLearning resources to access these courses/lessons. But how to find these resources? To make […]

eLearning Styles: An Introduction

E-Learning Styles: An Introduction

As our previous blog described, eLearning uses various electronic resources and technology to deliver lessons/courses. It is one of the best ways to address the learning needs of a large group of learners at the same time. But different learners have different eLearning styles. This is so because every learner follows a distinct pattern of learning. […]

ELearning: A Guide Complete Guide

A Guide to ELearning

Knowledge is power. It strengthens the thoughts and beliefs and contributes to shaping an individual’s personality. Learners acquire knowledge in many ways, and this may take place either through individual or group learning. Also, the environment acts as a stimulus for learning. A child learns many things from his/her surroundings and applies the same to […]

8 Tips to Set-Up a Blended Learning Classroom

Tips to Set-Up a Blended Learning Classroom

Blended Learning or Hybrid Learning is a modified teaching and learning method employed in modern classrooms. The blend of traditional and online teaching brings out the best in students and encourages participation in learning. Whether it is Flipped Classroom, Project-Based Learning, or any other type of blended learning, this teaching methodology works best to promote interactive […]

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Impact of AI on Education and Looking into the Future of Education: 2024