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Online Learning

Online Learning

What is Online Learning? Online Learning is a broad umbrella term that we apply to any kind of education that happens over the Internet. Online courses may follow synchronous or asynchronous modes of instruction. E-Learning is a popular trend in learning, and it involves complex information and communication technologies such as Moodle, MOOCs, Virtual Reality, […]

Adaptive Learning in The Classroom

Adaptive Learning

Implementing Adaptive Learning As mentioned in our previous article, Adaptive Learning systems provide personalized learning experience for students by first adjusting to their learning styles and paces. Following this, instructional designers perform unique course sequencing and evaluation methods. In this way, educators can secure equitable learning on a scale of 100-200 pupils per class. This […]

Effective E-learning Tools: Determinants and Options

E-Learning tools

eLearning, also known as the modern way of learning, refers to imparting education via electronic media that goes beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. Since most of the modes of eLearning involve little to no teacher interference, the lessons or courses need to be self-sufficient in all aspects. Authoring tools are basic frameworks […]

Creating an E-Learning Course as per Learner-Needs

E-Learning Steps

eLearning, also known as the modern way of learning, refers to imparting education via electronic media that goes beyond the four walls of a traditional classroom. eLearning courses may be diverse as per the needs of the learners taking the courses but follow a generic framework throughout. Developing these courses is influenced by various factors […]

Adaptive Learning as a New-Age Teaching Methodology

Adaptive Learning

Adaptive Learning is a technologically-driven personalized learning experience. This model incorporates algorithms, assessments, and feedback to tailor unique learning paths and course sequencing to suit various learning styles. Traditional teaching presents a rigid course material to fit all the students. Adaptive Learning makes use of frequent assessments, exchanges feedback with learners, and opens alternative learning […]

Teachers’ Role in Project-based Learning

Project-Based Learning

The teachers’ role in Project-Based Learning is unique and pervasive. An educator’s ability to transition from the role of instructor to that of a mentor or collaborator can make or break it. As is evident from our previous blog – Project-Based Learning Tools, PBL, if done well, helps inculcate skills such as active learning and problem-solving in […]

Project-Based Learning as a New Tool for Learning

Project-Based Learning

Project-Based Learning is a teaching technique that engages learners in exploring real-world problems while applying their learning. It is turning into a new tool of learning in this rapidly growing dynamic world. It amalgamates the current scenario with the learning objectives of a lesson in the classroom. The methodology aims at creating a pseudo world […]

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Impact of AI on Education and Looking into the Future of Education: 2024