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Universal Design for Learning: A Practical Guide

Universal Design for Learning

Everyone is different, or, to put it another way, everyone learns differently, is a clear truism. So why are educators so adamant on establishing uniform teaching methods? This is because they can’t feasibly cater to everyone’s learning style. Therefore, they aim for the broadest conceivable structure in the hopes that everyone would benefit at least […]

Top 5 Interactive E-Learning Tools

Top Interactive E-learning Tool

An e-learning expert is only as good as their most effective tools. E-learning tools are a must-have in your toolkit as new innovations change the way we create and deliver digital learning. Picking the correct e-learning software for your company can be difficult, as it depends on a variety of factors. For instance, your technological […]

Using Math Tools in Online Teaching

Math Tools for Online Teaching

Using math tools in online teaching will encourage students to engage in self-exploration and show them how math is woven into the fabric of their lives.

Using AI For Personalized Learning

AI In elearning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a common catchword that we enjoy using whenever the opportunity presents itself. Using AI for personalized learning is a method that focuses on developing training to meet the unique needs of each learner. Looking at it through the lens of customized training is one way to grasp its full potential.  Personalized […]

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Impact of AI on Education and Looking into the Future of Education: 2024