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eLearning Styles: An Introduction

E-Learning Styles: An Introduction

As our previous blog described, eLearning uses various electronic resources and technology to deliver lessons/courses. It is one of the best ways to address the learning needs of a large group of learners at the same time. But different learners have different eLearning styles. This is so because every learner follows a distinct pattern of learning. […]

ELearning: A Guide Complete Guide

A Guide to ELearning

Knowledge is power. It strengthens the thoughts and beliefs and contributes to shaping an individual’s personality. Learners acquire knowledge in many ways, and this may take place either through individual or group learning. Also, the environment acts as a stimulus for learning. A child learns many things from his/her surroundings and applies the same to […]

Assessments: Different Types, Importance, & More


Educators around the world use the term Assessments for the evaluation, measurement, and documentation of academic readiness, skill acquisition, and learning progress of students. This process goes hand-in-hand with the learning process throughout the lifetime of a person. Assessment is a comprehensive term. It is the assimilation of a plethora of activities that assist with […]

Best 07 Assessment Tools for Teachers

Assessment Tools for Teachers

Assessments are a significant part of the learning process. Assessment for learning is an approach that helps teachers generate feedback for improving students’ performance. It is a method of evaluation that works by engaging students in various activities so that they become active participants in learning. Additionally, assessment for learning is closely related to formative […]

Tips for Creating Effective Assessments

Tips for Creating Effective Assessments

Our article on Formative vs Summative Assessment gives a brief introduction of the two most commonly used types of assessments and that on Top 7 Assessment Tools for Teachers talks about some some useful tools for teachers to create effective assessments. But conducting assessments requires much more than this. There are a variety of formal […]

Assessments: Formative v/s Summative Assessments

Formative vs Summative Assessments

Assessments are an evaluation technique to analyze the extent of learning and identify the areas of strengths and weaknesses. The teaching-learning process aims to impart knowledge and skills that help in the formation of attitudes, behavior, and values. However, learning is incomplete without assessment. Formative and Summative Assessments are two of the most common methods of evaluation. Despite the difference […]

Why Children Hate School and How You Can Help Them?

Why Do Many Students Hate School?

None of us are oblivious to the fact that many children hate school. The statement is backed by a lot of factors, including made-up health excuses, unreasonable tears, and illogical stubbornness of missing schools, which can especially be true for younger students. While there may be a plethora of reasons for this behavior, the primary […]

8 Tips to Set-Up a Blended Learning Classroom

Tips to Set-Up a Blended Learning Classroom

Blended Learning or Hybrid Learning is a modified teaching and learning method employed in modern classrooms. The blend of traditional and online teaching brings out the best in students and encourages participation in learning. Whether it is Flipped Classroom, Project-Based Learning, or any other type of blended learning, this teaching methodology works best to promote interactive […]

Implementing Blended Learning

Blended Learning Strategies

Blended Learning is a form of learning where traditional and online learning are merged to impart knowledge by increasing learner engagement (refer to the previous blog for more). There are various forms of blended learning. Each type has its distinct functions and characteristics that make it compatible with different learning situations.  But like every teaching […]

Blended Learning Explained: Definition, Models, & More

Blended Learning

Blended Learning is a teaching technique that amalgamates the effective teaching methodologies of traditional learning and eLearning. It brings endless possibilities to the table for every individual with the help of technology. It has been proven to be effective in yielding better results and efficient fulfillment of learning objectives. This article delves deeper into the […]

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Impact of AI on Education and Looking into the Future of Education: 2024