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Stealth Assessment: Meaning, Principles, Design And Model

Stealth Assessment

Stealth Assessment, as the name implies, is a covert method of evaluating student competency through the use of digital video games. The natural creativity and talents of students and young people have long fascinated artificial intelligence and modern technology. They have developed a slew of tests and assessments to examine and measure these attributes and […]

Confirmative Evaluation: Meaning, Scope, Purpose And Model

Confirmative Evaluation

Confirmative evaluation is the integration of evaluation and continuous improvement. Misanchuk pioneered confirmative evaluation of educational resources for learners around twenty four years ago, in 1997, as a logical next step after formative and summative evaluation. With the influence of the quality movement on evaluation, educators and physical therapists are starting to understand that “quality […]

Flashcards As A Teaching Tool

Flashcards A Teaching Tool

In this age of short attention spans, flashcards as a teaching tool are ideal for memory retention. Simply put, a flashcard is a piece of paper with a cue or tip on one side and a corresponding response on the other. A question, a picture, or even just one word can be used as a […]

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Impact of AI on Education and Looking into the Future of Education: 2024