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What is Bloom’s Taxonomy? Definition, Details and Application

Bloom's Taxonomy

Bloom’s Taxonomy is a learning framework which was originally developed in 1956, and it has been applied widely by educationists in developing teaching and learning methodologies and has evolved dynamically over the course. Bloom’s Taxonomy broadly categorizes human learning into six hierarchical levels: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create. From elementary learning to advanced […]

Self-Directed Learning And Its Significance

Self Directed Learning

Self-Directed Learning, also known as SDL, can be best described as a self-sufficient learning process where the learners can take charge of their own learning, through setting personal learning strategies, goals and targets, and then executing them in a set period of time. Apart from helping students learn on their own and comprehend the concepts […]

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Impact of AI on Education and Looking into the Future of Education: 2024